Past Reunions
2001 LIGHTFOOT-JONES FAMILY MILLINEUM REUNION 2001 August 3, 4 and 5, 2001 Chicago Illinois
October 2001 Dear Lightfoot-Jones Family Member, A big thanks goes out to everyone who attended and supported the reunion. About 250 Lightfoot and Jones family members and friends attended one or all the events held over the August 3-5 weekend in Chicago, Illinois. God truly smiled on his children the entire weekend. The weather was fantastic and everyone enjoyed a safe return to their respective homes near and far. By all accounts the Millennium Reunion was an overwhelming success. Since we all have agreed to meet more often than once every decade, plans are already underway to explore possible sites for a family reunion during the summer 2003. In addition, the current reunion committee is continuing its work towards strengthening our family’s spiritual, communication and financial bonds. We should hold each other up in prayer, talk to one another and develop the means to provide assistance to family members who are in need. To achieve “family unity with a purpose” we must be able to draw from a steady stream of various resources. The committee welcomes all willing workers. Do not hesitate to call and volunteer your time, talent and treasure. Please return the response sheet with your location choice of where to hold the 2003 family reunion. We also ask that you consider becoming a regular dues-paying member of the Lightfoot-Jones Family Reunion beginning in January 2002. The annual dues are $60.00 per year for every adult family member. Spouses, children and students who are members of a dues-paying household are exempt. The benefits of paying dues to an individual or household include:
Color Millennium Reunion Souvenir Books are available for $15.00 each and Professional Videos of the entire weekend are also available for $25.00. The costs include all shipping and handling. Order forms are available online. The web address is: Be sure to mail all checks payable to the Lightfoot-Jones Family Reunion to:
Jonathan Lightfoot, 6118 N. Hermitage, #C, Chicago, IL 60660.
God Bless, The Lightfoot-Jones Family Reunion 2001Committee